Brief History

The Central Sheep Breeding Farm, Hisar was established in 1968-70 in collaboration with the Government of Australia under Colombo Plan on approximately 6477 acres of land, leased by the Government of Haryana for a period of 20 years (from 1st August, 1968 to 31st July 1988) at the lease rent of Rs. 1.00 per acre per annum to upgrade the Nation’s Sheep Flocks and Improve the quality of wool.

  1. In May, 1997 about 4028 acres of land (pasture/grazing land) was taken back by Government of Haryana.
  2. At present total land available with the Farm is 2456 acres.

Alteration in the initial Programme

  1. The original technical programme of this project until VI th Plan period (ending 1984-85) was pure breeding of Corriedale Sheep imported from Australia.
  2. 49 Merino rams were imported from Australia during 1979-80. The Merino was withdrawn due to their poor adaptation to environment conditions at this region.
  3. 11 Dorset rams and 299 ewes were imported during 1987-88 but the survival was poor hence withdrawn.
  4. Due to shift in National Policy for the sheep breeding the dual purpose Corriedale has been substituted by fine wool Rambouillet breed, imported from U.S.A.
  5. To meet the requirement of Northern States Rambouillet X Nali rams the farm had purchased Nali ewes during 1992-93.
  6. Presently farm is supplying Rambouillet X Nali and Corriedale X Sonadi rams.
  7. A Unit of Beetal Goats has been introduced at the farm from October, 2003.

Sheep & Goat Breeds at present

Presently farm is supplying Rambouillet X Nali and Corriedale X Sonadi rams to upgrade the Nation’s Sheep Flocks and Improve the quality of wool and Beetal Bucks

Corriedale X Sonadi rams

Corriedale X Sonadi ewe

Rambouillet X Nali Ram

Rambouillet X Nali ewe

Beetal X Buck

Beetal X Doe

Details Of land Available

1. Total Area of the Farm: 994.5 Hects
2. Total Cultivable Area of the Farm: 890.5 Hects.
3. Irrigated Area of the Farm: 500.0 Hects.
4. Unirrigated / Rainfed Area of the Farm: (Under Cenchrus Natural Pasture) 306.0 Hects.
5. Uncultivable Area, Operational Complex (Sand Dumes, Low Lying , Jungle Area) 27.0 Hects
6. Area Under Roads and Channels: 84.5 Hects
7. Area Under Buildings: 77.0 Hects

Total Cultivable Area Block Wise

Sr. No. Area Rana Sham Jungle Sally Plot No.1 Total
1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Irrigated 152.00 82.00 166.00 60.00 40.00 500.00
2. Unirrigated 36.00 75.00 10.00 125.00 60.00 306.00

Total: 188.00 157.00 176.00 185.00 100.00 806.00

Rest House

In an area of about an acre of land a beautiful folding type of two sets of guest house has been built by the Australians with support of pond and lush green jungle. One set of the guest house is being used for staying by the Sheep farmers during the training period at the farm



The Institutes enjoys the pioneer status under the Ministry of Agriculture (Department of Animal Husbandary, Dairying & Fisheries). The responsibility for organization and management invested with the Director I/C. He is assisted by the Technical and other staff responsible for agriculture operational work, grazing of sheep and mechanical work. To facilitate the smooth functioning of the farm which is divided in to five sections:-

  1. Administration Section
  2. Sheep & Veterinary Section
  3. Mechanical Section
  4. Agriculture Section
  5. Security Section

Managing The Flock

The large areas of high quality pastures at the farm are provided so that maximum production can be obtained from the Sheep. The utilization of fodder by various classes of Sheep & Goat has to be managed very carefully. A system of segregation is used to group Sheep according to management and nutrition requirement. Ewes is late pregnancy, ewes with young lamb & growing weaners are segregated from each other & farm other animals & given first priority for fodder. Those Sheep with high nutritional priority are grazed on legume pasture crops in preference to cereals or grasses.

The Lambing System

Two vital aspects of this new lambing system are responsible for its success. The first is that Lamb is brought to Shelter with their mothers with in the first few hours, irrespective of the time of birth. The Second is that Lamb is kept in individual pen with their mother for the first 3-4 days of life. These practices ensure that the lamb drinks colostrum in the first few hours and that it is well known by its mother before it because mixed with other Lamb & Ewes

Care of weaned lambs & Kids

  1. Lambs are provided green legume fodder i.e. Berseem/ Lucerne on stall feeding and also they are provided concentrate feed @ 100 gms per head per day and which is increased as they start eating and then weaned into slatted floor sheds where they remain till the beginning of winter.
  2. Shedding during this period ensures a high level of nutrition & protection from the disease and parasites which are prevalent during the monsoon & post monsoon period.

Incidence of Disease

  1. The highest incidence of diseases occurs during the monsoon & post monsoon periods. At this time fodder quality is low and atmosphere condition are suitable for multiplication of disease and parasites.
  2. Pneumonia have continued to be the main killer in all age group. By using H.S. Vaccine (Biovac=HS+FMD) giving cross immunity in Sheep & Goat has given effective control over it in the past few years.
  3. During the monsoon the increases in intestinal worms is controlled by routine deworming. Foot abscess also occurs during this hot, humid period and compounds the effects of other diseases.

Dispensary & Laboratory

  1. The farm is having well established dispensary where all types of medicines which are required for the treatment of sheep & goat from time to time are being kept at the medicine store.
  2. All types of vaccines are being stored in the refrigerator at the dispensary.
  3. The one part of the dispensary is being used for laboratory diagnostic work at the farm.

1.) Fecal examination for parasitic egg identification

  1. By direct method.
  2. By Mac-Master technique
  3. The drug trial is also carried out at the farm for the choice

of effective anthelmentic every year to avoid drug resistance. 2.) Blood examination

  1. Hb testing
  2. Blood sugar testing
  3. DLC

3.) Microbiological test

  1. RBPT against Brucellosis
  2. Gram’s Staining

4.) Semen examination by electro-ejaculation method

  1. Volume
  2. colour
  3. Microscopic examination